Made from 100% military spec 550 american paracord and will provide years of wear.
These Medical Alert bracelets from Lifeline Outdoor Gear are a convenient and popular way to make medical professionals aware of the existing medical conditions of your loved ones. Water resistant charm.
These bracelets are also available in any color combination (up to three colors).
First: Select your size from the drop-down list. (size 5 to size 8) Larger sizes available (select Custom*).
Second: Select the color combination from the drop-down list (Orange/Black/Red or Custom*).
For Custom color combinations……….
Color ONE runs along the outer length of the bracelet.
Color TWO will be for the center weave.
Color THREE will run along the center for the length of the bracelet securing the charm in place.
Or if you wish choose just one color for a solid colored bracelet. Pick any color from #1 to #33 from our color chart.
*Please send a note to sellers defining the customization in size or color.
Ways to measure your wrist:
Use a tape measure.
Wrap the tape measure around the wrist on which you plan to wear your paracord bracelet.
Wrap the tape as you would want the bracelet to fit your wrist ......loose, comfortable, or tight fit.
Request a custom order and have something made just for you.
Lifeline Outdoor Gear hand makes all items at the time of order. Our 5-star rate attests to the quality of our products. As they are custom made, returned product is not resold. We will work with all customers to replace products ordered in error. Please contact us.
1-3 business days
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs.
Just contact me within: 7 days of delivery
Ship items back to me within: 14 days of delivery
But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.
Because of the nature of these items, unless they arrive damaged or defective, I can't accept returns for:
Buyers are responsible for return shipping costs. If the item is not returned in its original condition, the buyer is responsible for any loss in value.
May 27, 2017